1208 Rose Creek Dr, Woodstock, GA office@gslutheran.org +1 770-924-7286


Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” (Matthew 25:40)

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God’s Work Our Hands Sunday | September 8, 2024

Get Involved It’s How we serve God and others at Good Shepherd

There is a place for you at Good Shepherd, and there is a great need of your time and talents for doing God’s work in our community and the global world.  At Good Shepherd we believe our baptism calls us into a working relationship with God, our faith community, and our community and the wider world. Everywhere you look, there are opportunities to share God’s love and serve our neighbor. This is work we do together in the name of Jesus Christ here and throughout the world through the ELCA and its partners.

There are opportunities throughout the year to put our faith in action at Good Shepherd or with one of our partner organizations. Adults of all ages, children, and families are welcome to participate in our service opportunities and our annual events like the ELCA “Gods work. Our hands.” Day of Service in September.

Good Shepherd is always looking for individuals to help plan, coordinate, and carryout our service efforts. We encourage you to offer your time and talents through project participation or serving as an Outreach committee member. If you are interested in reaching out and serving in our community or have questions about how you can be involved in the missions and outreach opportunities at Good Shepherd, please feel free to contact us at office@gslutheran.org for more information.

Our Programs

In addition to seasonal outreach programs and those planned due to a specific need, here are a few of the ongoing outreach programs Good Shepherd participates in annually:

  • MUST Ministries – serving as a year round food collection site providing canned goods and personal hygiene items.
  • Two Can Sunday Food Collection-collecting canned goods and other non-perishable items on the first Sunday of each month; benefiting Papa’s Pantry and Timothy’s Cupboard.
  • Garden of Grace-maintained by the Caring for Creation team to offer fresh produce for local food pantries.
  • Habitat for Humanity – local housing builds.
  • Give a Kid a Chance – a campaign to help purchase filled backpacks to distribute to needy children in our county as well as participate as a volunteer on the Give a Kid a Chance “Back To School” day.
  • Inspiritus-(formerly LSG) Angel tree program and occasionally preparing and furnishing apartments for relocated refugees program to help refugee resettlement..
  • Kroger Rewards – shopping at Kroger for personal groceries and participating in the program to help fund our food ministry efforts
  • Gift Cards – purchasing retailer gift cards through the church during the holiday season to help support outreach endeavors

As a congregation, we also send benevolence support to the Southeastern Synod, Inspiritus, the ELCA World Hunger Appeal, and Lutheran World Relief.

Additional Service Opportunities

  • Caretakers of our Community – Support for various local nonprofits in our community.  Past collections have included items and contributions for Goshen Valley Boys Ranch, Atlanta Food Bank, homeless veterans, local schools, The Drake House, supplies for Vacation Bible School, local assisting living facilities, Child’s Play Preschool.
  • “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday of Service – an opportunity every September to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
  • MLK Day of Service – Held in January, the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service is a way to transform Dr. King’s life and teachings into community service that helps empower and strengthen local communities.