1208 Rose Creek Dr, Woodstock, GA office@gslutheran.org +1 770-924-7286

Caring for Creation

Meeting Date: September 2nd, 7 PM via teams.

Contact Chairperson Joella Molway, for more information.   Contact the church office or Joella for the link.

How we care for God’s creation

Good Shepherd Caring for Creation Logo

“Blessed are you, O Lord our God, maker of all things.  Through your goodness you have blessed us with these gifts. With them we offer ourselves to your service and dedicate our lives to the care and redemption of all that you have made, for the sake of him who gave himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen” (Lutheran Book of Worship).

As children of God, we recognize our call to care for creation.  Caring for Creation expresses a call to pursue justice for creation through active participation, solidarity, sufficiency and sustainability, and states the commitments of the ELCA for pursuing wholeness for creation — We strive to express commitments through individual and community action, worship, learning, moral deliberation and advocacy.  Click the links below for the ELCA and the Good Shepherd Caring for Creation statements/covenants:

ELCA Caring-for-Creation Statement

Good Shepherd Caring for Creation Covenant

This year our focus is on the education and communication of topics to help in reducing our impact on God’s creation.  We hope the information, events and resources are an inspiration and you will join us throughout this year of celebration!  Activities are currently being planned with the Fellowship, Outreach and Faith Formation committees.

We continue our recycling initiatives:

We appreciate all help from congregation members to keep these items out of landfills.   
1. ORAL CARE WASTE:  We collect old toothbrushes (any condition), floss containers. empty toothpaste tubes, and outer plastic packaging. NO electric toothbrush components. We send these to TerraCycle where they are made into plastic pellets which are then used to manufacture outdoor furniture and playground equipment.    
2. HEFTY ORANGE ENERGY BAGS: These are for hard to recycle items (items which can not be put in curbside recycling. Bags are available in the Fellowship Hall for a nominal cost, along with a list of items that can be recycled this way. Bring your filled bags on the first Sunday of each month (two can Sunday).  
3. BATTERIES: We collect small batteries (Size D and smaller) for recycling.   
4. OLD EYEGLASSES: We collect these for donation to the Lion’s Club. We accept prescription glasses, readers and eyeglass cases.   
5. POPTABS: We collect these for donation to the Ronald McDonald house.  
6. PRESCRIPTION MEDICINE BOTTLES: We collect clean prescription medicine bottles to send to Matthew 25 Ministries. Please remove all labels. This organization sends them to third world countries for pharmacies to dispense medications.
7. DRAKE HOUSE Bring your gently used professional women’s clothing to recycle and help mother’s who are on edge of homelessness get set up for success and turn their lives around.

Good Shepherd is now recycling metal!

To help preserve our planet, Caring for Creation is now recycling scrap metals. Drop off your scrap metals in the white 55-gallon drum located at the north side of the garage and we will take it to the Metal Recycler in Woodstock. Click the link below for more information about what can be recycled.


Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

The Caring for Creation Committee is highlighting articles on ways you can reduce your carbon footprint at home following these examples.

Click each picture below to read more…

Reducing Single Use Plastics 

We can recycle many of these.  However, 90% of single use plastics are not recycled and go into our landfills.  We are looking for other ways to reduce these.   This letter from one of our members shows us there is another way.

Garden of Grace

Our Caring for Creation Committee is also manages the Garden of Grace, our outreach effort which provides fresh produce to those in need in our local community. Click here to read more about our Garden of Grace.

Garden of Grace

Other local recycling options include:

RECYCLING CENTER at Hobgood Park for glass, aluminum cans, cardboard, and recyclable plastic, leftover paint. Their fee is $5.00 for a one gallon bucket and $10.00 for a five gallon bucket. 

PUBLIX for Styrofoam egg cartons, trays, and fast food holders, think plastic, such as grocery bags, drycleaner bags, and film coverings on food items and paper including advertisements.

WAL-MART for ink cartridges and plastic bags LOWES for compact florescent light bulbs, rechargeable batteries, and plastic bags

BATTERIES PLUS for incandescent bulbs and non-alkaline batteries (They will recycle other bulbs and batteries for a charge)

Previous Caring for Creation Campaigns: Read More

Going Green in Cherokee County

The Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce is helping the county become more environmentally responsible through their “Going Green” initiative.

More details can be found at the Going Green section of the Chamber’s website: https://cherokeechamber.com/programs-events/.

At the website you’ll also find several valuable resources, including a guide to “reducing, reusing, and recycling” that is tailored to Cherokee County. It provides locations of local recycling facilities as well as general tips.

The Going Green initiative also encourages businesses to reduce their impact on the environment through its Going Green Recognition Program. You’ll find useful tips for saving energy and other resources on the Going Green Recognition Form on the Chamber website.

Tips To Care For God’s Creation

The caring for creation team would like to share with you some tips and information on how we can all take small steps to take better care God’s creation.  We hope the information below is helpful for you.

Check These Out:

“Green Team” SE Synod–Facebook Page

Lutherans Restoring Creation is a grassroots movement promoting care for creation in the ELCA.  The site contains information for Pastors, Congregations and Individuals – including a Personal Covenant, Devotions and many other resources available.

ELCA Advocacy works for change in public policy based on the experience of Lutheran ministries, programs and projects around the world and in communities across the United States.

Georgia Interfaith Power and Light (GiPL) equips faith communities across the state of Georgia to care for creation through worship, education, and the stewardship of our natural resources.

Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a non-profit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change.