1208 Rose Creek Dr, Woodstock, GA office@gslutheran.org +1 770-924-7286

Summer Opportunities

GSLC Youth Summer Opportunities

As we explore what it means to be Christian, intensive experiences are helpful.  Good Shepherd believes that week long trips give students the opportunity to experience the Christian life and community.  For this reason, we offer opportunities for all ages to experience the Christian life and community with others.  Below are some program offerings for the 3rd through 12th grades.   

NovusWay Camps

There are a lot of Lutheran Camps right in our surrounding areas- and plenty of opportunities for our youth to get involved! Novusway is an organization of camps that are all located in the southern most parts of the US. Follow the link to see their brochure.

NovusWay Ministries Statement on COVID-19 | NovusWay Ministries

For more information contact, our Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator: youthfamministry@gslutheran.org

AFFIRMSunday, June 15, 2025 to Friday, June 20, 2025

Location: University of West Alabama, Livingston, AL 

Age range: rising 6th-outgoing 12th grade | Cost: Roughly $450

Affirm is a Summer Youth Event of the ELCA Southeastern Synod that nurtures faith, equips youth leaders for today and tomorrow, and trains youth in discipleship skills.  Affirm is for youth who have completed grades 6-12. The Young Adult and Youth Ministry Institute (YAYMI) is held simultaneously with AFFIRM for those 1-2 years out of high school looking for theological and small group training.  Affirm is based on several different age-appropriate leadership and discipleship units.  Each unit is staffed by small group leaders and a pair of unit directors.  Youth will spend about 6 hours daily experiential learning with games, skits, and discussion. 

To learn more, go to:  https://www.sesyouth.org/affirm